Winter is Finally Over!

May 8, ...................................

††††† Winter is finally over and the tat season is about to kick into overdrive. Although this Winter slowed down a bit, it gave me the opportunity to pick up a few illustration gigs and get started on a couple of paintings. Among the illustration gigs, I finally got the opportunity to put together a T-Shirt design for my buddy Dave G over at Methods NYC. If you havenít had a chance to check out their Spring line, you should, theyíve got some really great designs. If anyone is interested in picking up my design, they are currently available at For all you local Richmonders who donít like to order stuff through the internet, you can scoop one up at Turnstyle, located at 102 West Broad St.

†††††† Iíve also got a collaborative T-Shirt design coming out within the next couple of months with a fella named Devin Taylor, a graphic designer for Bleeding Star. Itís gonna be pretty tight so keep your eyes peeled.

††††† This update Iíve uploaded 15 New Tattoos and 3 New Illustrations as well as a few new Sticker Spots that you guys have sent in (some of them are pretty creative). Thanx! Aside from that, I got interviewed by this site called a couple of months ago. Itís a pretty interesting site with tons of great artists.

††††† Got a ton of stuff on the horizon line, so please keep checking back. If you would like me to keep you informed on any new travel plans as well as any site updates for the future, please join my Mailing List. Also, if you've got Myspace, hit me up on my Myspace Profile. Till next time, stay safe and thank you all for your support,†††††† Jesse

Out with Old, In with the New

Nov. 29, ........I've come to the conclusion that updating my website every couple of months is not a feasable goal. So my new goal is to try and get it updated every 6 months or so, that way I'll have a ton of new stuff for every update, rather then just poppin up a few tattoos here and there.

To those of you who have been following my progress over the past couple of years, you may have noticed that I've stripped my portfolio of about 75 tattoos. I've done this in hopes to raise the overall standard and to give my portfolio a little more continuity. I apologize if I've taken down any of your favorites, but I really feel as though it was necessary in order for me tighten things up a bit. Hopefully the new tattoos that I have added will make up for the ones I've taken down:)

I've added a ton of new stuff!

18 New Tattoos

2 New Illustrations

16 New Sketches

2 New Prints

1 New Aerosol Piece

A couple New Interviews

A couple of New Awards

and a ton of new sticker spots that you guys have sent me from all over. Thank you!

I'll have a bunch of new stuff in six months! Till then, take it easy and thank you for all of your support,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Jesse